Exotic Fish Most Wanted by Divers – Exotic fish are groups of animals that swim or move using their fins. This fish has an appeal because of the uniqueness of both shape, color, and behavior. Indonesian waters are home to various types of exotic fish.
The uniqueness of exotic fish is part of their adaptation to their environment. Exotic fish live in special habitats as their protection and camouflage, both from predators and even to deceive their prey. Some of the exotic fish have poison to paralyze both their enemies and their prey.
For recreational divers and underwater photographers, it is necessary to prepare a list of exotic fish species. This list is submitted to their dive guide as their dive target.
There are times when on a dive trip you can find many different types of fish, but sometimes they don’t meet at all. In addition to diving locations that have habitats favored by these exotic fish, it takes experience and a keen eye to find exotic fish.
Exotic Fish Most Wanted by Divers
Leaf Scorpionfish
Scorpionfish (Taenianotus triacanthus) live at a depth of 3-18 meters, among branching corals, sponges, or coral debris. Leaf Scorpionfish are shaped like leaves and can be found in several colors, generally white, yellow, or plain red. Has a body length of 6-8 cm.
Pygmy Seahorse
The pygmy seahorse lives at a depth of 11-25 meters. There are several types of pygmy seahorse fish, including the “pontohi” pygmy seahorse (Hippocampus pontohi), the “bargibanti” pygmy seahorse (H. bargibanti), and the “denise” pygmy seahorse (H. denise).
Each species has a preference for a different place to live, the “pontohi” seahorse likes to live in Hydroids, while the “bargibanti” and “denise” seahorses live in the Gorgonia. The pontohi pygmy seahorse can have a body length of 5-15mm, while the “bargibanti” and “denise” can be larger.
Ornate Ghost Pipefish
Often abbreviated Ornate GPF (Solenostomus paradoxus) lives at a depth of 5-30 meters. This fish is commonly found in coral reefs and lives and disguises itself in the Feather Star. This fish has several colors, black, red, and sometimes yellowish red. At the time of the juvenile pink body was slightly transparent.
The lionfish (Pterois spp) is a beautiful fish because its spines resemble feathers with a zebra motif if developed at a glance like a male lion. This exotic fish is often an object for underwater photographers because of its attractive color and “feathers”. There are several types/species of this fish. This fish can swim and dive to a depth of 300 meters and can reach sizes up to 47cm. For those who want to take pictures of this beautiful fish, you have to be careful because the fur spines are very poisonous.
Weedy Scorpionfish
The weedy scorpionfish (Rhinopias frondosa) is a unique exotic fish and has a very attractive shape and color. These fish live on soft bottoms such as soft corals and sponges. The disguise makes divers have to swim slowly in order to see this fish. This fish is commonly called according to its scientific name, namely Rhinopias. There are 3 types, namely R. frondosa, R. aphanes, and R. eschmeyeri.
Banggai Cardinalfish
As the name implies (Pterapogon kauderni) this fish was first discovered in the Banggai area, Central Sulawesi. Live on coral reefs in particular close to sea anemones and other animals such as sea urchins. This fish is often found in shallow waters.|
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